Volunteering, Charitable Foundation, Donations

Volunteering, Charitable Foundation & Friends Association

Volunteering, Charitable Foundation, Donations


Your help matters

We gladly accept any kind of support—whether in the form of donations, engagement in our friends’ association, or as a volunteer. Your support matters and helps us assist and support our children, youths, and adults with disabilities.


Your donations help finance projects and appliances helping our participants gather new experiences or become more independent.

For example, we use donations to finance appliances such as wheelchair swings or wheelchair trampolines that offer our participants completely new ways to experience movement.

Our most recent project is a kitchen garden where our participants—in spite of their sometime severe physical disabilities—can grow and harvest various plants. They experience the joy of growing fruit, vegetables, or herbs and then to harvest and use the produce. Our participants are very committed to their gardens and proud of their accomplishments.

Every donation helps and directly benefits our children, youths, and adults.

Donation account at the Bank im Bistum Essen eG
IBAN: DE57 3606 0295 0000 1314 15

Donations to the Charitable Foundation

You can also donate directly to our Förderstiftung Spastiker-Zentrum München or make an endowment contribution. An endowment contribution has additional tax benefits:
You may claim up to €20,450 per year for taxes, and even more as special levies to the extent allowed by the tax code. These benefits apply in addition to the general deduction for charitable donations. Endowment contributions may  be made in the form of equities, real estate, or other property. You may also consider us in your will.

Your endowment contribution or donation can be made via bank transfer to the account of the charitable foundation, Förderstiftung
Spastiker Zentrum München:

Stadtsparkasse München
IBAN: DE03 7015 0000 0000 0443 47

As reason for payment on your transfer form, please enter “Zustiftung” (endowment contribution) or “Spende” (donation) as well as the name and address of the person making the endowment contribution or donation for proper fiscal recognition by the tax authorities.

Do you have any additional questions regarding donations or endowments for our charitable foundation? Please feel free to contact us any time.

Förderstiftung Spastiker-Zentrum München
Garmischer Straße 241
81377 München

Dr. Günther Bauer

Chair of the Board of Trustees

Renate Klose

Deputy Chair of the Board of Trustees

Thomas Pape

Board of the Charitable Foundation

Donations to the Friends’ Association

Your donation to the friends’ association helps finance volunteer projects and group activities. With the necessary funding in place, we are able to offer various leisure activities, promote mobility towards participation in society, and improve what we can offer in the area of adult education—especially where residential nursing homes are concerned.

We welcome your donation to the account of the Förderverein Spastiker-Zentrum e.V.:

Stadtsparkasse München
IBAN: DE48 7015 0000 1003 1640 90

As reason for payment on your transfer form, please enter “Spende” (donation). You may also name a special, enhanced purpose.

If you have any questions regarding the work of the Friends Association or your donation, please contact the Association as indicated below:

Förderverein Spastiker-Zentrum München e. V.
Garmischer Straße 241
81377 München


Ulrike Fürst


Dr. Günther Bauer

Deputy Chair


Ulrike Fürst (Vorsitzende)
Dr. Günther Bauer (stellvertr. Vorsitzender)
Wolfram Holzmair (Schriftführer)
Susanne Gaunitz (Kassenwartin)
Hans Dieter Klose (Beirat)